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a priority


In France as in India, all of the Act & Help programs believe that good health

is an absolute priority. 


IN INDIA, we finance :


- the installation of pumps distributing potable and free water for all in villages;


- a salary for a doctor who takes care of our children’s health, 


- medical treatments, vaccines and additional food and vitamins for all of our children,


- plus regular medical check-ups  for  their teeth, eyes and ears,


- a special program providing destitute people with surgery and medical emergencies,


- a fund towards Disha Kutumb, a health center in the Varanasi train station which welcomes young vulnerable girls.

This center was our first step to the Disha house project.



IN FRANCE, we support : 

- NGOs that welcome daily hundreds of desperate migrants and refugees arriving from the poorest countries. 




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